Tuesday 15 February 2011

Urban Decay Review♥

So yesterday I hit the shops with a few of my friends and I decided to treat myself to some professional brand make-up as I have quite bad skin at the moment and I thought good quality make-up would not only help cover some of my blemishes but also help them. So the brand I chose was Urban Decay. I thought I would try it because I have been hearing a lot of great things about this brand and also the packaging was super cute.

The product I chose was Urban Defense Tinted Moisturiser with SPF 20 in Halo which is the lightest shade available. I absolutely love this product as it gives great coverage but it is so light and smoothand it is great for all skin types. I would defintely recommend this product if you are looking for a great alternative to heavy foundation.

So what do you ladies think of this product? Do you have any other recommendations?
Love Sophie x

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